Easy DIY Lemon Wreath

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Have you ever done a project that was totally not even on your radar until *bam* inspiration struck, you immediately did it, and you loved the result? That is the best kind of project!
After playing for church one Sunday, I ran over to Michael’s craft store to make a quick return on my way home. (Let’s be honest here – is a trip to a craft store ever actually quick?) I happened to notice that their Spring and Summer floral was 60% off and made my way over to that corner. Maybe it’s the summer heat and humidity making me crave something refreshing, but I’ve been a bit obsessed with lemons lately: I put some vintagey lemon prints in our family room and bought a new coffee cup with lemons all over it. So as I was wandering the floral section, it suddenly hit me: “I’m going to turn my plain old boxwood wreath into a lemon wreath!” While the kids were napping that afternoon, I did just that, and it took all of about 20 minutes!
A while back I had purchased a boxwood wreath from Hobby Lobby when they had their wreaths 50% off, and I hung it in the kitchen on the door to our garage. While it did add some color to the space, it had the potential to be so much more.

I really didn’t have a plan…
…but I bought some supplies anyway (dangerous, I know!). And you know what? I think it all worked out!

Easy DIY Lemon Wreath Tutorial
- 1 Boxwood Wreath approx. 18-20″ in diameter. I got mine at Hobby Lobby, but it looks like they no longer have it online (check an actual Hobby Lobby store & make sure to use a coupon!) Or Amazon has this one and this one, which are similar to mine.
- 1 5ft. Lemon & Summer Berry Garland. I found mine at Michael’s, but unfortunately it looks like they no longer have it. This one and this one are both similar. Any 5ft. mini garland with some blossoms would look nice.
- 1 Artificial Lemon “Bush” (7 lemons). These are the ones I used.
- 1 Spool Navy & White Striped Ribbon. I used this. It is unwired, but you could certainly use wired as well.
- Wire Cutters
- Scissors
- Optional: Floral Wire. I didn’t use any and feel like my wreath is fine, but if you want to make the whole thing really secure, feel free to use some.
Let me preface all this by saying there is no one “right way” to do this – just play around with it and have fun! Your wreath will probably turn out a little differently than anyone else’s and that’s okay!

Want to know a little secret? My wreath is not actually hanging from the ribbon – it is hanging from a command adhesive by a metal loop on the back of the wreath. The ribbon is just for show. Want to know a bigger secret? The end of the ribbon is scotch-taped on the top edge of my door. I’m really classy like that. š Feel free to secure the end with a command hook!
Hang on your door and enjoy!

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