identifying ironstone - Hymns & Home Modern Cottage Living Mon, 17 Jun 2024 18:07:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 identifying ironstone - Hymns & Home 32 32 207949343 Is Your Ironstone Real? A Quick Vintage Ironstone Guide Sat, 30 Jul 2022 07:27:00 +0000 Whether you're new to ironstone or an ironstone collector, here are some quick ways to make sure your ironstone is real and not a fake!

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Whether you’re new to ironstone or an ironstone collector, here are some quick ways to make sure ironstone is real and not a fake!

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Dark vintage wood hutch filled with white ironstone and hydrangeas.
All my ironstone has come from thrift stores.

Vintage and antique ironstone has gained popularity in the decorating and thrifting communities over the last decade. It’s considered classic and desirable (I agree!). While vintage ironstone can often be found at thrift shops, antique stores, and is sold by online sellers like Etsy and Ebay, you do have to keep your eyes open for fakes and reproductions! Sometimes sellers don’t even realize they’re selling you a fake.

First let’s define a few terms.

What’s the difference between a reproduction and a fake?

For the purposes of this blog post I’m defining a reproduction as a piece that was made in the style of vintage ironstone but doesn’t pretend to be vintage or antique. It is a modern piece and is marketed as such.

I label some pieces as “fakes” because they are intended to deceive. When an item is made to look old and is marketed as old when it is a modern piece, that is deceptive and the piece is a fake.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying a modern reproduction!

Modern reproductions are beautiful too and there is absolutely nothing wrong with liking them! The trouble comes when a buyer thinks they are getting something vintage and they’re not. The entire purpose of this post is to inform you so that no one takes advantage of you either purposefully or mistakenly.

What’s the difference between vintage and antique?

It depends on who you ask, but it is generally accepted that vintage is 40 years old or older and antique is at least 100 years old. However, places like Etsy only require items to be 20 years old or older to be labeled as vintage, so keep that in mind when shopping!

Ironstone creamers, gravy boats, and platters on wooden shelves.
Thrifted ironstone creamers, gravy boats, and platters

What is ironstone?

Ironstone, also called “stone china,” “semiporcelain,” and other names, is a special type of pottery that was developed with the intent to make beautiful yet highly durable pieces more widely available. It was “harder than earthenware and stronger than porcelain” (Kowalsky & Kowalsky 1999). It was first developed around 1800 by William Turner, but patented as “Mason’s Patent Ironstone” by Charles James Mason in 1813 in Staffordshire England. Mason’s patent only lasted 14 years and many other makers quickly jumped on the ironstone wagon and began to produce their own varieties using their own formulas.

Underside of a white ironstone pitcher. Stamp reads "Vitrified China, Made in USA"
Another name for ironstone – Vitrified China – this pitcher was made in the U.S.A.

What types of pottery are considered ironstone?

The oldest types of ironstone are those that were produced in England in the beginning to middle of the 19th century. These include but are not limited to:

  • White ironstone china (blank, undecorated)
  • “Flow Blue” (cobalt blue decoration on a white background, often with blurred lines)
  • Transferware (patterns and images printed or “transferred” onto dishes)
  • “Mulberry ironstone” (decorated with shades of gray, brown, purple-black)
  • Copper Lustre Decorative Motifs (have shiny copper bands or shiny floral & geometric patterns)
  • and others

Ironstone was mainly imported to America for much of the 19th century, but in the mid-late 1800’s American makers began developing their own formulas for ironstone. They produced their own versions of white ironstone, flow blue, and other types.

What about restaurantware, railroad china, and hotel china?

What are those? They are just what they sound like – highly durable china developed in America for use in restaurants, hotels, and on trains! While these might be grouped in the same general category as ironstone because they have a lot in common, they are truly a category of their own. Collectors may collect both ironstone and restaurantware, but there are many collectors who will only collect one or the other. Manufacturers of these types of pottery included names like Buffalo, Shenango, Homer Laughlin, Syracuse, etc.

Underside of a Shenango China mustard pot. Backstamp reads "Shenango China, New Castle, PA, USA, AB"
The underside of a cute little Shenango China mustard pot listed in my Etsy shop – an example of restaurantware.
White scalloped edge plate.
Example of a Buffalo China dinner plate.
Underside of the white dinner plate. Stamped "Buffalo, 9503C"
Backstamp of the Buffalo China plate.

Is there a noticeable difference between English and American ironstone?

Generally speaking, old white English ironstone has a cool almost blue undertone to it. American ironstone tends to have more of a creamy white or yellowish undertone.

Bowl of a white ironstone tureen filled with a cheerful mix of pink, purple, and white flowers and green foliage. Bright, natural light.
I feel like ironstone and flowers were made for each other! This is the bottom portion of an ironstone tureen. I have the lid set aside.

How do I know if I have real ironstone?

I’m by no means an expert, but here are several ways to tell if you have the real deal:

1. It has a legitimate backstamp.

What is a backstamp? It’s the maker’s mark – a stamp or embossing typically on the underside of a piece of pottery. Not all ironstone is marked, however, so this will not always be the giveaway. Markings also changed over time even within a given manufacturer. This may seem confusing when trying to identify a marking, but it can be extremely helpful in determining the age of a piece! But remember: just because there is a mark doesn’t mean it is legitimate.

Fake ironstone sometimes has a backstamp that is intended to deceive.

Unfortunately there are people out there who will produce pieces meant to deceive. Take a look at the name of the maker. If you’re not already familiar with it, search online – see if you can find a history of that maker or something about it from a reputable source.

Fake ironstone will often use names that never existed such as “Victoria Wareor “Iron Ware.”

Victoria Ware and Iron Ware were never a thing – those names were simply created to sound legit and get people to think the piece was old. Sad but true.

Underside of a fake ironstone piece. Blurry stamp that reads "Victoria Ware Ironstone" with a fake coat of arms including a lion and unicorn.
“Victoria Ware Ironstone” was never a legit name. Just look at all that fake crazing too!

Fake ironstone will sometimes have added “crazing” to make it appear old.

What’s crazing? It’s all those little lines you sometimes see on pottery, especially old pottery. It happens in the glaze layer when the piece has been under stress (working too hard on the job, eh?).

Brown and white fake transferware planter.
A fake transfer ware piece I found at Goodwill for $3 – I still bought it because I liked it!

Fake ironstone will sometimes have a date printed on it to make it seem old.

Real ironstone would never be printed with something like “1890.” The date of true ironstone can sometimes be determined by the backstamp, pattern, and shape of the piece.

Bottom of a ceramic pitcher. Pitcher is stamped "Ironstone, 1890 England." Photo has a bold caption that states "Please read item description."
This was a pitcher I sold in my Etsy shop. It is not authentic ironstone, but I made that very apparent in my listing and priced it accordingly. Still a cute piece though!

Look out for historically inappropriate wording.

For example, the term “Flow Blue” was never actually printed on flow blue pottery. That was a popular term used to refer to a certain style. If you see “flow blue” on the bottom of a piece, just know it’s reproduction.

Flow blue plate by Alfred Meakin. Cobalt blue flowers printed on a white background with raised scrollwork around the rim of the plate. Plate is resting atop a blue and white striped tablecloth with a white hydrangea as a decorative accent.
Example of a “Flow Blue” plate by Alfred Meakin in the “Belmont” pattern.

Fake ironstone sometimes has an overly large backstamp.

Sometimes the manufacturers of fake ironstone will put a backstamp on that is way too large and blurry – almost like it’s been scanned and printed. Real backstamps vary in size, but they will not typically be unusually large. Use your gut – if it feels off, it may be a fake.

Fake ironstone uses markings similar to real ones, but just slightly “off.”

You know that saying that there is some truth in every lie? Well producers of fakes will use markings that are very similar to real ones. They often incorporate regal imagery like crowns, lions and unicorns, banners, etc. It’s the details that differentiate it from the real thing. Pay attention to the wording, to what is missing such as “England,” or the presence of a legitimate maker’s name. There are many sources online for identifying maker’s marks and backstamps such as “The Potteries.” I own this book and it is a helpful tool!

If it has a “Made in China” sticker, don’t even bother.

Real vintage ironstone doesn’t have “Made in China” stickers. Enough said.

Vintage green stepladder decorated with ironstone creamers, a bunny, greenery, and vintage books.
A Springtime vignette

2. It is heavy for its size.

Authentic ironstone should be heavy for its size. It was made to be super durable and it feels like it too! If you pick up a piece and it feels too light or cheap, it’s likely not the real deal.

Now bear in mind that more delicate things like teacups are not going to be terribly heavy by nature. You may want to use other identifying factors when dealing with “dainty” pieces. Things like pitchers, platters, bowls and serving vessels will all be quite weighty.

A little ironstone creamer atop a jadeite bowl…and a peony, of course. 🙂

3. It has a distinct luster.

What is luster? Luster is the way light reacts with a surface, particularly stone and mineral surfaces. Ironstone has a gentle sheen – it’s not super shiny but it’s certainly not matte. It is smooth and glossy. The appearance of old white ironstone has a depth to it that modern pieces cannot mimic.

It is opaque – you cannot see through it. If you hold a teacup to a light and can see a glow through it, it’s not ironstone.

English ironstone tends to have a cooler blue undertone while American and more modern pieces tend to have a warmer yellow undertone.

4. It may make a pleasant sound when tapped.

I say “may” because this is dependent on the condition of the piece and your ability to hold it without dampening the sound. If you take a genuine ironstone pitcher, dangle it [carefully!] by the handle and tap on it with your other hand’s knuckles, it will make a nice bell-like sound. This is harder to do with something like a platter, but not impossible. If the piece has any major cracks or damage the sound may be altered. If you ever have the opportunity, compare an ironstone pitcher side by side with a modern ceramic pitcher – you’ll hear the difference! The modern pitcher will sound quite shrill compared to the ironstone.

Small octagonal ironstone sugar bowl filled with delicate miniature daisies next to a large ironstone pitcher also filled with flowers. Both sit atop a vintage stepladder backed by a sunny window.
An octagonal ironstone sugar bowl next to a vitrified china pitcher.

Are there fakes for sale on Etsy and Ebay?

You betcha! I am taken aback by the number of fakes I’ve seen for sale on Etsy at antique prices. I am always so tempted to say something but it’s not my place so I don’t. Be sure to always read the item description, examine all the photos, and ask clarifying questions before purchasing! A quick online search for similar items is never a bad idea either.

I have seen a ton of these pitchers being sold as authentic antique ironstone, sometimes priced over $100. I sold mine in my shop for about $25 as an ironstone reproduction likely from the 1980s (when geese were popular!). There’s nothing wrong with selling these so long as you are transparent it is not antique.

Even reproductions or fakes can be cute a nice decor piece. You just don’t want to pay antique prices for these!

What are some of the most common names in ironstone?

There were SO many ironstone producers over the decades and centuries, but here are a few notable ones. In English ironstone:

  • Mason’s Patent Ironstone
  • J&G Meakin
  • Johnson Brothers
  • T&R Boote
  • Wedgwood
  • Wood & Sons
  • Burgess & Goddard
Underside of an antique ironstone sugar bowl. Stamp reads "J&G Meakin Iron Stone China" with a coat of arms including a lion and a unicorn.
An old J&G Meakin backstamp dating from around 1890. This is the underside of a sugar bowl that I sold in my shop.

In American ironstone, here are a few notable names:

  • Knowles, Taylor, & Knowles
  • Homer Laughlin
  • William Young & Sons (WYS)
An antique ironstone sugar bowl filled with a Christmas tree, surrounded by other stacked ironstone, pinecones, ceramic deer, and Christmas trees.
The same sugar bowl mentioned in the photo above, by J&G Meakin circa 1890.

Where can I find genuine ironstone?

You can find ironstone lots of places! My favorite place to find it is in thrift stores (I love the hunt!), but you can certainly find great pieces elsewhere like Etsy, Ebay, antique and consignment shops, and other reputable online vintage sellers.

Well that’s about all I have for today! I hope you have found this quick tutorial on ironstone helpful. Feel free to drop a comment or question below and thanks so much for reading!

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